Complete and permanent recovery from emotional disorders. Insights on emotional health by Brian Barnett, who authentically rid himself of Borderline Personality Disorder (EUPD) over the course of 7 years, after having lived with it, unaware, for the first thirty-five years of his life. New episodes Thursdays.
Friday Nov 04, 2022
S5 Ep 9: Things Happened the Way They Had To Happen
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
When to never make decisions. Charles Hew Crooks and the airplane. Looking back and wishing you had known things sooner, while understandable, is not constructive. Things played out exactly as they have had to play out for you to get better. What makes a good parent. Poem: They Are Everywhere. Also, I teach you a trick for cracking eggs.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#decisionmaking #unhealthypeople #regrets #emotions #criticalthought #logicalthinking #charleshewcrooks #parenting #goodparents #badparents #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Streamed live with participation on YouTube and Locals. Prioritizing responsibility to self. Major League Baseball World Series, Phillies & Astros. Humiliated for what you feel. Unhealthy people analyze experiences they have, not the feelings they experience. Doing anything to avoid humiliation. Calm-Assertive Communication-Behavior style is not rude. No inherent judgment in statements of observation. Hiding messages within other messages, or behind behaviors. Healthy & Unhealthy forms of caring about what others think. Not knowing what oneself likes and dislikes. Failing to make important distinctions. Love is Morir Soñando. Two reasons people hear what's not there. The value of all those babies in a nursery.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#responsibility #humiliation #shame #calmassertive #passiveaggressive #judgment #hiddenmessages #independence #selfsatisfaction #distinctions #importantdistinctions #love #babies #qualities #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
S5 Ep 7: Purposeful, Willful, Disingenuous Denial
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
I don't legitimize purposeful, willful, disingenuous denial by engaging in debate with folks who are trapped in this type of mindset, and neither should anybody else. It would fix the problem pretty quickly.
Go Phillies!
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#emotionaldishonesty #purposeful #willful #disingenuous #denial #acceptance #legitimizing #debate #argument #costbenefit #extertion #intellectualdishonesty #beliefs #stupidity #idiocy #acceptance #criticalthought #feelings #emotions #reason #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett
Friday Oct 07, 2022
S5 Ep 6: Mind Yer Own Business
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
"Those who hear not the music think the dancers mad." Are you sure you just don't hear the music? Fun and regret raking leaves. Mind your own business: Acceptance. Assuming rights, responsibility, and authority that do not belong to you at all. The failure to see where your place is, and of being content to stay in your place. Regular upcoming livestreams. Laying down seed for birds and squirrels. What does it mean to look at a person as a person (a standalone individual)? Black Ankle, South Carolina. National hero: Angeli Rose Gomez. Experiences with the police.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#mindyourbusiness #relationships #rights #authority #responsibility #blackankle #uvaldetexas #angeligomez #police #acceptance #rakingleaves #birds #squirrels #boomers #respect #dignity #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett
Friday Sep 30, 2022
S5 Ep 5: PROOF. (But of what?)
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
You try and try, but you never seem to get closer to your objective. What is this undeniable proof of? Paying attention to subtleties are really, really important. It is impossible to generate true motivation for any effort you secretly perceive is pointless. What do you have to do if you perceive an objective as impossible? Logical fallacies. Never, ever view people as hopeless, or as 'lost causes'. Work smarter not harder. Adjustments absolutely are required on the road to anywhere.
http://www.thelastsymptom.com Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#proof #adjustments #logicalfallacies #injustices #motivation #progress #relationships #objectives #relationships #overcomplicating #effective #selfparenting #feeling #thoughts #control #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bpd #emotionallyunstablepersonalitydisorder #eupd #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett
Friday Sep 23, 2022
S5 Ep 4: Things You Are and Are Not Entitled To
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
A continued discussion about how to talk to those who aren't willing to distinguish between subjective and non-subjective things. What you can learn from "It's not my fault!" Does being a good person get you used? Story about Jordan's brother. A deeper conversation about when a 'lie' is not a lie.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#entitled #feelings #emotionalhonesty #intellectualhonesty #itsnotmyfault #beingagoodperson #goodperson #lie #lies #costbenefit #time #innerpeace #energy #reason #responsibility #authority #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett
Friday Sep 16, 2022
S5 Ep 3: Your Worst Helper
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
I hope you enjoy the discussions in the show about getting in our own way, self-sabotage, why the most people’s attention on a thing is so valuable, my political views (they may surprise you!), how to handle conversations when you begin to realize that you are becoming extremely frustrated or bothered, veal sandwiches, and more!
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#selfsabatoge #obstruction #helper #progress #interference #debate #opinion #relative #nonrelative #subjective #nonsubjective #politics #politicalarguments #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett
Friday Sep 09, 2022
S5 Ep 2: Until I Found You
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Seeing people as people, as individuals, for real. All it necessitates and implies.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#individual #person #unique #unhealthy #perceptions #emotionaldisorders #emotionalhealth #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett
Friday Sep 02, 2022
S5 Ep 1: Low Self-Esteem Does Not Exist
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
HALF A MILLION DOWNLOADS! I hope everybody is doing well, it's good to be back for this new fifth season. I thought I would start it off with some controversy that is sure to upset a lot of people who don't take the time to see why I'm right: "Low" self-worth, "low" self-esteem are not real things. They do not exist. ALSO: An opportunity to take The Last Symptom Fundamentals Course for FREE.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#selfesteem #selfworth #selfloathing #selfhate #valuesystems #typesofvalue #inherentworth #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bpd #emotionallyunstablepersonalitydisorder #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Some very personal, and personable stuff. Distinguishing between getting an opinion, and getting information from somebody who has knowledge and recognition of a non-subjective reality. The emotional effect of finally being heard. Why it's ok for you to get nervous when you talk to me for the first time. My star-struck experience with a woodcraft survival guy. Intimate memories of Jordan and Dave. Acoustic cover, Blackbird.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett.
#beingheard #emotional #opinions #breakingdown #realities #nerves #starstruck #nervous #emotionalhealth #struggles #emotionaldisorder #emotionalabuse #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bpd #emotionallyunstablepersonalitydisorder #eupd #cure #completerecovery #thelastsymptom #brianbarnett